
Nov 14, 2008

How far will your dream take you?

Someone asked me , looong time ago, what was the most valuable thing I've learnt as a student abroad ? (not the exact words...) ... and the answer was/is that dreams have no limits over there....

Well, I have problems communicating my thoughts to others (which may be the reason behind photographing) but I'll try to make it clear... back to the subject..

My first day of school, as I was waiting at the dean's office , there was an "older" guy there who was talking about how he took time off school to travel the world and now he's back to complete his degree.. the first thought I had was "poor guy, what a waste of time" ... 
I don't know what happened to this guy, if he was a success or failure... but I know that he did something that he wanted to do, something that he dreamt of, something that he risked so many good things he had going on ... 

When I saw the jeans and shirts displayed on the walls of Deira the same thought came back to me ... these clothes have dreams too... dreams to make a better life... a determination that will challenge many struggles and humiliations....

Will our dreams defy all obstacles we place in our way? will we display our clothes in alleys because we can't afford the alternatives ? or will we continue to dream from the comfort of our existing lives? .... Just a thought