
May 24, 2009

a good HEART...

Few weeks ago I asked "someone" about "someone else" that I haven't seen for years. I don't even remember why I did, it was so random!
Today I was told that that "someone else" has passed away ...

Its funny (not in a ha ha way, but more of an ! way ...) that life goes on as usual; people talk about each other, falling out of touch, building status walls between each other, and trying to keep away as much as possible from this (not so cool) or that (weirdo) ... but when we get the news that that "someone else" whom we rejected was no longer there! ... people start to talk again ... as usual; its too early to have lost them, they were so nice always caring, so misunderstood, and what a good heart...
Well I guess that's life ... May "Allah" have peace upon "someone else" 

Jan 31, 2009

Taking the future .. One step at a time